The main focus of this game concept revolves around surviving a nuclear disaster at the French Cattenom nuclear power plant. The player embodies a cockroach in the kitchen of a hoarder in Cattenom. Food and other items can be found all around, almost like on a gigantic cube. Hence the playing field looking like a giant Rubik's cube.
The players collect resources by combining fields of the same color on a cube-shaped playing field to maintain and improve their abilities and hitpoints. The players start with a value of 1 in all abilities and try to gradually increase them to become stronger, faster and more efficient. The players lose one point every two rounds on a random ability, if they don't maintain or increase them with resources. The players lose additional hitpoints should they be attacked by one of the enemy cockroaches. After 10 rounds the nuclear power plant explodes and the nuclear fallout rushes towards the cockroaches. The cloud reaches the players after a random amount of rounds that can vary between 1 and 10, adding an element of surprise to the players' struggle.
The game ends with the nuclear fallout. This will drain between 6 and 8 hitpoints from the cockroaches. Should the number drop to 0, the cockroach has not survived. The surviving cockroach with the highest remaining average in all stats wins the game.
The players collect resources by combining fields of the same color on a cube-shaped playing field to maintain and improve their abilities and hitpoints. The players start with a value of 1 in all abilities and try to gradually increase them to become stronger, faster and more efficient. The players lose one point every two rounds on a random ability, if they don't maintain or increase them with resources. The players lose additional hitpoints should they be attacked by one of the enemy cockroaches. After 10 rounds the nuclear power plant explodes and the nuclear fallout rushes towards the cockroaches. The cloud reaches the players after a random amount of rounds that can vary between 1 and 10, adding an element of surprise to the players' struggle.
The game ends with the nuclear fallout. This will drain between 6 and 8 hitpoints from the cockroaches. Should the number drop to 0, the cockroach has not survived. The surviving cockroach with the highest remaining average in all stats wins the game.
Punk Roach
Special skill: "Anarchy"
The player can use this ability once per game to randomly shuffle all the units of his side of the cube.
Special Skill: "Save the planet"
The player can recycle and reuse a unity from a previous round once per game.
Special skill: "Bosslady"
The player has a higher maximum energy stat.
Special skill: "Life experience"
The player always has 5 seconds longer to look at the sides of the cube before making his moves.
Special skill: "Speed"
The player has two additional moves once per game.